Fiscal representation for yachts



5 key points to take into consideration while Chartering in Spain.

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  • EU flagged yachts can charter in Spain while non-EU flagged yachts can only charter in the Balearic Islands and, if Red Ensign Registries, also in Barcelona.

  • You must have a local charter license - Barcelona isn't the same as Balearics, for example.

  • 21% VAT on fuel is mandatory when bunkering in Spain.

  • Commercial yachts under temporary admission (T.A) can since October, 2018 charter in Spain if all requirements of the T.A. are respected.

  • Beware of the POSIDONIA areas, as they're now protected and you should anchor where it’s permitted!

For more information on how VAT works in Spain, contact our office in Palma de Mallorca.

+34 871 024362